28 February 2022

Elastic Security: Detect - Alerts - Rules - Case


Detect - alert-rules
Video minute 15:20

minute : 27

External Incident Management System: (eg: JIRA)
minute: 28:31

Elastic XDR & SIEM


As Sept 2021

ref:  https://www.elastic.co/virtual-events/unlock-your-soc-stop-threats-with-limitless-xdr

11 February 2022

Fleet Components (and Elastic Agent)

Elastic Agent and Fleet Server Data Flow


ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7ey8g0MNB4&list=PLHWOo1y-i8sm9_sA__ggKXzEuFdzZJTzm&index=5&t=200s

10 February 2022

Elasticsearch subscription type


Cara set password utk elastic yg deploy atas docker

Dlm docker-compose.yml:

services: elasticsearch: environment: - ELASTIC_PASSWORD=$ELASTIC_PASSWORD

Dlm file .env:



09 February 2022

upgrade elastic on docker

 elastic on docker use docker-compose

in docker-compose.yml:

    image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:${VERSION}

in .env file(on same dir)


When new release exist,
1- just change the version in file .env
2- stop the docker 
3- start the docker again (docker-compose up es31)

Elasticsearch engine will handle all the process to upgrade. If you has cluster with multiple node, repeat steps above with all the non-master node.  The master node should be the last one.

07 February 2022

Linux Network namespace

Do your own virtual network container



Rantai Serangan


ref:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhPWFdTxu4E&t=282s