Need to escape these characters:
http.request.referrer: ""
without quotes, must escape:
http.request.referrer: https\://
This not work as expected because * is interprate as literal *:
http.request.referrer: "*"
Instead use this:
http.request.referrer: https\://*
File path issue in windows:
Kibana display value as:
But if you check in json, actual value stored in elastic is:
Thus, to find all files in folder system32(and sub folder) you need to escape the backslash character:
file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\*
To find all files in folder system32(exclude sub folder):
file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\* and not file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\*\\\\*