11 April 2017

tor hidden server/ dark web

bacaan yg bagus

06 April 2017

install cisco virtual atas esx


1- upload vmImage ke esx
2- tambah device serial port
3- Edit Security Profile, supaya firewall(esx) allow port telnet
4- dan telnet

enable kan ssh ke cisco router

Terdapat 4 proses/langkah:
1. Device preparation (setup hostname, domain name, username, and passwords)
2. Network preparation (IP addressing & routing)
3. Generate RSA key and activate SSH
4. Apply SSH transport for the vtys

ref: http://www.mustbegeek.com/enable-ssh-in-cisco-ios-router/
[artikel yg sgt bagus, setiap command beserta keterangan yg mudah difahami ]

05 April 2017

cisco IOVs router atas vmware platform

ref: http://jamsudsanusi.net/2014/08/running-cisco-virtual-ios-iosv-via-vmware-workstation/