who is ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah
ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSYYd4RjKE8
unassigned shards:
Shard masih tidak di assign pada mana mana node. maka data dalam shards tak available bila di query.
1- node down
2- free space tiada
3- dalam proses di pindahkan ke node yg lain.(ini utk pastikan bilangan node seimbang dalam semua node)
- _cat/shards
- _cluster/health
- _cluster/reroute
$ curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"commands": [{
"allocate_empty_primary": {
"index": "test-index",
"shard": 1,
"node": "node-1",
"accept_data_loss": true
allocate_empty_primary - utk shard primary
allocate_replica - utk shard replika
- _cluster/settings
ref: https://www.baeldung.com/ops/elasticsearch-unassigned-shards
Salin guna rawcopy
RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:C:0 /OutputPath:C:\Audit /OutputName:MFT_C.bin
This not work as expected because * is interprate as literal *:
http.request.referrer: "https://example.com*"
Instead use this:
http.request.referrer: https\://example.com*
File path issue in windows:
Kibana display value as:
But if you check in json, actual value stored in elastic is:
Thus, to find all files in folder system32(and sub folder) you need to escape the backslash character:
file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\*
To find all files in folder system32(exclude sub folder):
file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\* and not file.path.caseless : c\:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\*\\\\*
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to access 'path.repo' (/mnt/remote_snapshot_on_st02/snap_dir) at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.FilePermissionUtils.addDirectoryPath(FilePermissionUtils.java:66) ~[elasticsearch-8.8.1.jar:?]This happen because elasticsearh process is own by user elasticsearch. You need to mount the dir using elasticsearch acc. sudo su -u elasticsearch sshfs myacc@ /mnt/my_snapshot_dir Of course you need to have set path.repo on your elasticsearch.yml path.repo: [/mnt/my_snapshot_dir/the_snapshot_dir_on_remote]
ref: https://www.cellstream.com/reference-reading/tipsandtricks/431-finding-text-strings-in-wireshark-captures